wind deflector, side door windows, Ford Transit Connect ('02

(set) ClimAir

wind deflector, side door windows, Ford Transit Connect ('02
wind deflector, side door windows, Ford Transit Connect ('02
wind deflector, side door windows, Ford Transit Connect ('02
79,95 *Prices include VAT
Article code01219907001
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Climair wind deflectors, with perfect fit offer many advantages.

> A sporty and / or elegant look.
> With open side windows much less to no longer suffer from annoying whistling
> No sore neck or shoulders by the tour
> No incoming rainwater when driving with (partially) open side windows.
> The side windows stay cleaner longer.
> Extra protection against glare from low sun from the side.
> The solution for contact lens wearers who suffer from dry eyes get when using the air conditioning.
> Also great for electrically operated windows.

Very simple installation and TÜV certified.

supplier: ClimAir
item number: CL33259 or CLI0033259
barcode (EAN): 4011283037979
set (left and right)


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